MUSIC & LYRICS by David Nehls
BOOK by Betsy Kelso
There's a new tenant at Armadillo Acres—and she's wreaking havoc all over Florida's most exclusive trailer park! When Pippi, the “stripper on the run,” comes between the Dr. Phil–loving, agoraphobic Jeannie and her tollbooth collector husband—the storms begin to brew.
This show is RATED R for language and adult humor.
"A show that actually lives up to the hype of its title."
- Village Voice
"This wheel-spinning, mud-splattering good time of a show is the theatrical equivalent of a bag of Doritos. You can't get enough. Who could expect a thrillingly trashy Greek chorus of trailer park matrons whose hysterical musical stylings all but redefine the girl-group-as-cultural-commentator craze? Or a number with enough show-stopping electricity to trump every musical that opened on Broadway last season?"
- Talkin' Broadway
"A sparkling, sharp irreverence lights up this musical and makes it one of the most laugh-out-loud shows in town."
Lawn chairs and leopard print
Spray cheese and beer
Presented through special arrangements with Dramatists Play Service.
(plus applicable sales tax and $1.75 processing fee)